How To Choose The Best Web Development Company In Johannesburg
The sphere of web development is still pretty much misunderstood. We have even heard people call it a "dark art". So when you need help turning your ideas & designs into a top quality website or web application, how do you know who you can rely on to get this done?
The purpose of this post is to offer some key points on what makes the best web development company in Johannesburg, & will help you comprehend the kind of questions you should be asking development companies.
Able to do both front-end & back-end development:
We agree there’s a separation between web developers & web designers, there's a completely different thought process going on there, but the separation between front-end & back-end is just wrong. To be a good web developer you have to comprehend the full development cycle & to be able to get involved in the project from begin to finish. There’s also much to be learnt from the working with the varying technologies.
Should follow best practices
The key to being a good web developer isn’t the technologies that you use, but the best practices that you follow. As technologies come & go in our very fast moving industry those best practices will remain, or at least evolve. As a developer if you’ve a good grounding then you can move with the times & technologies very easily.
So what are these best practices that we’re talking about? Listed below are some of the key ones we follow.
• Writing semantic HTML
• Follow web standards for all front end coding
• Automated testing of both front-end and back-end code
• Use of a MVC framework
Invests time in research & development:
As everybody knows the web industry is a pretty fast moving industry. Things come & go in the blink of an eye. A good web development company gives it's developers allocated time every week to look at new trends & technologies. Admittedly some of these trends & technologies are dead ends, but you won't know unless you look into them.
If you wish to know if a web development firm knows there stuff, simply ask them what their developers have been looking into off late. You don't have to comprehend everything you are told, note them down though and look them up on the web to comprehend if the company are looking at new trends or not.
R&D is perhaps the most important time each week for a developer. If developers don't evolve, the solutions they build will become idle and dated pretty quickly. As a client do you want an out of date solution before you even start?
The Best Web Development Company in Johannesburg is just a call away from you! Call Via Kasi Digitals now for help!
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